
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nail Mail + ORLY Out Of This World! Lots of Pics!

So I laid out in the sun this morning before my 1:30 class and on the way back to the apartment, I checked my mailbox and was surprised to find THREE nail mail packages!  Yahoo!  Here's what I got:

Savvy Chocolate, Zoya Envy, Sephora by OPI I'm With Brad, Orly Out of this World

LA Girl Head Bangin, 10 Chocolate Kiss, and Sinful Colors Nail Art in Sunset

Three glittery frankens by DragonRhia!

Nail art stickers, glitter, and dotting tools!!
CG For Audrey, CG Holo Kaleidoscope Him Out, CG Holo Don't Be a Square
Three Julep polishes: Amy, Natalie, and Gloria
Woo that was a ton!  The first couple pictures of polishes and the nail art/tools came from DragonRhia's blog sale.  I paid $10 and got all of that good stuff!  I ordered CG For Audrey off eBay and the two holos from Medusa's Threads before I realized I'm about to be broke...and I won the Julep polishes from The PolishAholic!  I'm waiting on two more from a swap and the other is a silver shatter I won from another contest (I should probably play the lottery)...and then I think that's about it for me buying or receiving polishes for a while!  Le sigh!  There's so many more I want right now...

Anyhow, the other day I decided to try ORLY Out of This World (I actually bought one before I received it in my package today!)  Check out the pics:

The first two pictures I took at night, right after I painted my them with OOTW.  They are shown with a flash...and this is how I thought the polish would look ALL the time.

Pretty shiny purple!
Alas, do not be fooled

Although these pictures look fabulous, and Out of This World looks totally awesome and all duochrome-y in the bottle, it sadly doesn't actually look like this in person, even outside.  The next three pictures show OOTW the next morning, outside in the sunlight.  No gold flash like you see in the bottle.  Disappointing.  ALSO notice the tip wear.  This was seriously 12 hours later.  I literally painted my nails at 10 pm, went to bed, got up, took a shower, and then took these pics.  WTF Seche Vite?!  I think this polish may have dried too quick for SV to work well.

Boo tip wear

Still pretty, but no duochrome

Overall I really loved how Out of this World went on...the formula is fabulous and I really like ORLY brushes.  I needed to do very little cleanup since it went on so smooth...look at those smooth curved lines!  Bam!  However, the color was not what I was expecting.  The Ulta I found this at only had this color and It's not Rocket Science from their Cosmic FX collection, and since I'm not into greens I went with this one.  I would've LOVED to have found Haley's Comet, though.
Meh--if I was into the darker colors I'd love this, but I think I'm going to try swapping both of the bottles I have of OOTW.  If anyone wants to trade for Haley's Comet I'd be super ecstatic..!  Seriously though, I'll update what I have to swap, and my wishlist, so you guys should check it out and swap with me if you want--just email me at :)  I realized today I love getting nail mail! 

SO how do you like ORLY's Cosmic FX Collection?  Do you like Out of this World!!

<3 Whitney

PS I should be able to update more now that I'm pretty much done with school and am not currently working...pray I find a job!