
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Attempt at a Independence Day Shatter Mani!

I've been trying to think of original ideas for my 4th of July mani for a few days now and haven't been doing a great job, hah!

So while I was wearing my OPI Be a Dahlia Won't You + OPI I Lily Love You combo the other day I decided to see how it would look with Funky Fingers White Scales over top:

Well fabulous, of course!

Beautiful crackle.  LOVE this.


Anyhow...once I did this, I thought I'd see about how layering crackles would work!  I decided that pink, white, and turquoise is a prettier version of red, white, and blue, so naturally I thought I'd add OPI Turquoise Shatter on top! You can see in the first picture this kind of failed:

Turned out slightly less fail on my thumb

What happened initially was that I just added a coat of turquoise shatter the next day over my white shatter without a top coat in between the two on both my pinky and ring finger.  This did NOT crackle at all!  When I realized that wasn't working I added a coat of Posche on my middle, pointer, and thumb before adding the turquoise shatter and you can see if you zoom in, or look at my thumb pic, that it crackled a little bit!   

I didn't love this look, which is why I'm posting this today and saving my ACTUAL 4th of July mani for tomorrow :)

I think I didn't like it because the turquoise is kind of sheer sheer and mixed with the pink to made it look purpley.  I would love to try this with the normal OPI Blue Shatter with a stronger red, less pink, base...or the red shatter with a blue base, but I don't have either of those!  I think I'm sort of over the crackle polishes...I really like the ones I have, but I doubt I'll be buying more.  Unless they come out with a light pink...I could do light pink.

I did like the idea of layering crackles, have any of you tried it?    

Hope you guys learned from this! Have a great Sunday!

<3 Whitney