
Sunday, July 17, 2011


Okay ladiessssss, I know I already showed you what my Spectraflair top coat looked like over OPI Grape Set Match the other day, but I thought I'd show you how it looks over the Funky Fingers Island Collection polishes!

There are two pictures of each because I was trying to get a good camera doesn't capture the lighter colored holos as well!

Spectraflair over FF Curacao

Spectraflair over FF Curacao

Spectraflair over FF Cayman Island (Blurred)

Spectraflair over FF Cayman Island

Spectraflair over FF Kingston

Spectraflair over FF Kingston (Blurred)

Spectraflair over FF Port Royal (favorite!)

Spectraflair over FF Port Royal

Overall, I love how the Spectraflair top coat gives a beautiful, holo glitter effect even over lighter polishes!  It didn't work as well as over Grape...Set...Match but I account that to the brighter colors and the fact that I hadn't put BB's in it yet so it probably wasn't shaken up as much when I tried it.  Here's it's potential again, in case you missed the post on it:

Spectraflair over OPI Grape Set Match

BAM! Holo!  I love it.  I'm so glad I ordered this top coat, you guys should all try and get your hands on some Spectraflair powder!  A girl I know from PAA just mixed it with Wet n Wild clear polish to come up with this lovely holo coat! 

Do you guys like holos or are you over the obsession everyone has with them?  Have you tried Spectraflair before?  I don't think I'll ever get over the holo effect, I think it looks so cool and all the CG Holos are on my wish list :)

<3 Whitney