
Monday, February 20, 2012

Wam Blam! Introducing: The Halogen Collection!

So I've been MIA since last week sometime.  I actually had a few posts auto-updating, thank goodness, because otherwise I wouldn't have updated at all.  I've been pretty ill since last Sunday and found out yesterday that I've got pneumonia :(  It sure does suck!  Not only do I feel like complete crap, I haven't been feeling like doing much of anything lately, let alone blogging or doing my nails.  I was planning on having my Etsy store open this past weekend, but obviously that was not done either.  Hopefully as the week goes on I'll get to feeling better and will get around to it.

BUT enough whining, what I've got to show you is another collection I've made that will be out with my first Transition Metals collection, as well :)

There are SIX polishes in this collection and all are meant for layering.  All of my pictures will be shown layered over black.  And actually, I've only got 5 of them to show you today, the last one will be shown later ;)

First up: Fluorine Green

Fluorine Green is a white shimmery polish with a green undertone and a slight duochrome-ness to it.  It appears a few shades of green in different lighting, but the duochrome is quite subtle.  This polish is named for the 9th element, fluorine.

Next: Chlorine Sheen

You can see a bit of the duochrome-ness here

Chlorine Sheen is probably my favorite in the collection.  It's also a clear/iridescent shimmery polish, but it's got a deep royal purple undertone.  The duochrome in this polish is more obvious and ranges from a bright purple to a dark purple, almost blue color.  It's very bright and shiny, which is what I like about it!  These pictures are without topcoat.  Chlorine Sheen is named for chlorine, the 17th element.

Next up: Easy Bro!-Mine

Booo I messed this one up a little
Easy Bro!-Mine is another shimmery white polish with blue undertones.  On the nail, over black, it's a bright metallic blue with some added shimmer.  Easy Bro!-Mine only has a very subtle duochrome look to it, much like Fluorine Green.  This polish is named for bromine, the 35th element!    

Next: Iodine-ing Out

Iodine-ing Out is a different color, I think!  I like yellow a lot, so it's also one of the polishes I like most in this collection.  Unfortunately while I thought I got a lot of good pics of this, up close only one really turned out well.  This polish is a shimmer with yellow undertones and like Easy Bro-Mine! has a slightly metallic appearance over black.  In my chemistry labs, iodine, the 53rd element, that we dealt with was in solution and was yellow, which helped me in naming this polish!  

Lastly: Red Queen Astatine

Red Queen Astatine is the most duochrome polish in this collection.  The color you see in the bottle is generally how the other polishes look, with their respective color undertone (in the other pics, the bottle is tilted so you can see the shimmer).  Red Queen Astatine is a white shimmer polish with a reddish-purple undertone.  On the nail, Red Queen Astatine changes from orange to red to purple.  This polish is named for the 85th element, astatine.

Okayyyyyy and here are some additional pics I took of my whole hand, I skittled these on my nails because I was too lazy to do a whole mani with each one :)

Artificial Lighting

Natural Lighting

Bam!  Okay, once I am feeling a little better and can breathe without coughing, I'll get started on pre-making these so I can open my shop.  So stay tuned!

<3 Whitney