
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Featuring My New Favorite: Zoya Charla

Hellllloooooo girlies!  I am so PSYCHED that this time next week I will be in Florida at Disney World!  Horray!  I am planning on taking fun, bright polishes, but if all goes as planned I won't even have time to do them :)  Zoya Pippa is definitely on my list lol.

So I'm always the last person to jump on the bandwagon for pretty much anything, Zoya Charla being one of them.  I've seen tonnnss of swatches and jewelry made from Charla and I always kind of wanted it, but I refuse to pay Zoya shipping.  So when their Valentine's Day sale came around for a free red polish and free shipping with any other polish purchase I grabbed both Charla and Ivanka!

Holy. Moly. God. Almighty.  I can't believe I missed out on this beauty for so long.  If you're like me and don't buy things that everyone else likes, forget that you're like that for 5 minutes and order this immediately because it's gorgeous!

I understand that all of these pictures are nearly identical, but I probably took 40 of them and had a hard time choosing, lol...

Charla is a super gorgeous blue/teal/green duochrome (triochrome?) shimmer polish that flashes all sorts of pretty sea-worthy colors in the sun.  Zoom in on that sparkle, seriously, it's worth it.  Charla went on opaque in just two coats and followed suit with all of the other Zoya polishes with great formulas!

I never used to wear cool colored polishes, it was just pinks and reds, and boy am I glad that changed.  Do you guys have Charla?

<3 Whitney